In October of 2009 we set out on an adventure with our friends Jim and Darla Waldrop from Laverne Oklahoma. They own a beautiful 1959 Ford Retractable. The weather was cool so the top stayed up this day.

Along for the day our friends Carl and Pat Collins from Woodward. Carl built his Ford truck himself and he's a crazy as the plum color!

John and I took our 1958 Ford for the day on the road.

Robert and Misty Burdette owned this pretty little red Ford at the time. They are also from Woodward.

Our destination for the day was the Route 66 museum in Clinton Oklahoma. Old route 66 made its way from one end of Oklahoma to the other and Clinton is just about in the middle of the route.

Our gang (minus me the picture taker) getting ready to explore the museum.

Memorabilia abounded in the museum like these old gas pumps and John spent a lot of time checking out the relics in the Garage!

This map on the wall shows the route from one end to the other.

The dust bowl days on Route 66 had a great story to tell.

There was a mock diner inside and Jim, Darla and John were quick to grab a booth were the burgers were. Carl opted for the cake!

Misty checking out the menu at the diner!

remember the flying red horse? don't see many of these any more.

my favorite display was this old juke box! Oh, the memories this brings!

all four FORDS parked in front of the museum.

Back inside Carl and Pat found a comfy seat in the back of a caddy! Not like when they were kids; Carl wants to nap instead of neck!

Jim took a short rest here. we found a lot of interesting things to see at this museum, everything was nicely arranged, clean and easy to get around. It was a fun time with good friends.